Reversing Forward Head Posture
With forward head posture comes pain, chronic discomfort, and many related health issues. Learn clinical protocols to help reverse common forward head posture and get your clients on a pain-free, dis-ease-free path.
With forward head posture comes pain, chronic discomfort, and many related health issues. Learn clinical protocols to help reverse common forward head posture and get your clients on a pain-free, dis-ease-free path.
Learn a deeper understanding of physical imbalances in the body. Throughout Restorative Muscle Techniques training, you understand how to gently and simply restore muscles that aren’t firing or that are over firing, bringing the body to balance.
Targeted Muscle testing teaches how to perform 31 muscle tests, which are commonly found chronically weak in adults on one or both sides of the body. Targeted Muscle Testing is taught in conjunction with Quick Self Fixes validating that these fixes make weak muscle instantly strong!
Enhance your capacity to assist your clients in eliminating or reducing chronic pain.
Deepen your knowledge of the muscular system and learn how to use muscle testing to locate hidden Musculoskeletal problems.
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